Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Truth


Currently I am reading a book called "Kisses from Katie" about an 18 year old girl, named Katie Davis, who left everything she knew in America and went to live in Uganda, Africa as a missionary. This is a quote from the book.

"Meet Rose and Brenda. The truth is that they are orphans. Abandoned and living in an orphanage. Now two of 143 million. The truth is that when they go to bed at night no one tucks their blankets in around them and kisses their foreheads. The truth is that when they wake up, frightened, in the dark, no one runs to comfort them. The truth is that due to someone else's carelessness, Brenda will die of AIDS.

"Meet David and Bashir. The truth is that these precious little boys were child soldiers, abducted, sold as property, and forced to kill. Now that the war is winding down, they are not permitted back in their villages because they are seen as traitors, so they beg on the streets.

"And the truth is that is that these are only the children I know, in a very small fraction of a very small country. The truth is that there are children like this all over the world, sick, starving, dying, unloved, and uncared for. The truth is that the 143 million orphaned children and the 11 million who starve to death or die from preventable diseases and the 8.5 million who work as child slaves, prostitutes, or under other horrific conditions and the 2 . 3 million who live with HIV add up to 164.8 million needy children. And though at first glance that looks like a big number, 2.1 billion people on this earth proclaim to be Christians.

"The truth is that if only 8 percent of the Christians would care for one more child, there would not be any statistics left."

                                                           Katie and one of the orphans
                                                                      Katie's book

"This is the Truth. I have the freedom to believe it. The freedom, the opportunity to do something about it. The truth is that He loves these children just as much as He loves me and now that I know, I am responsible."

A way you can make a difference is by supporting needy people. Maybe you could sponsor an African orphan, or maybe you could buy a tee-shirt or jewelry from ministries that give all the proceeds to starving people all around the world. I dare you to support needy people, even if it's local. maybe you could volunteer a local animal shelter or homeless shelter. If you chose to accept my dare, then comment below on how you supported the needy this week.

- Emi


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Last Few Days at the Beach

These are a few more pics from Panama City that I thought you guys might like!
  the ocean had LOTS of seaweed, so some people made art with the it. You could see seaweed words and "drawings" all throughout the beach.

 Five Guys is one of my family's favorite resteraunts that we only eat at in Florida. It's awesome!
This guy was way out in the water and I snuck up on him with my zoom lens . . . creeper 8 )
                                           Another picture of the ferris wheel in Pier Park.
                                                        The carousel in Pier Park.

A way you can make a difference is by telling someone you love or appreciate how much they mean to you. You can talk to them, write them a card, or give them a gift to express your love. Maybe it'll be the person who always helps you with your homework, maybe it'll be the person who stuck with you and helped you while you were going through a rough time. maybe it'll be the person who is always the first one to say hello to you every day when you walk into school, or every week when you walk into church. It can be anyone! I dare you to express your love or appretiation to a friend or family member. Really tell them how much they mean to you.  If you chose to take my dare, and if it's not too personal, comment below on how you expressed your love or appretiation to a friend or family member this week.

- Emi

Friday, August 3, 2012

Gabby Douglas

"I give all the glory to God...It's kind of a win-win situation, the glory goes up to Him, and the blessings fall down on me."

-Gabby Douglas, Gymnastics All-around Olympic Gold Medalist

What a way to honor America and the Lord!

A way that you could make a difference is by sharing the Gospel whenever you can. When a non-believeing friend of yours has troubles, and he sits down to talk to you, share about how Christ died for his sins. And don't skip out because you're afraid of what they might say or think. Because would you rather live for God, or man? I dare you to take this challenge, even if the person you share the Gospel with someone whom you dislike or someone who is mean to you, share the Gospel. Think, "what would Jesus do?" If you chose to take my dare, and if it's not too personal, comment on how you shared the Gospel this week.
- Emi

Thursday, August 2, 2012

7 Billion

"...And then I realized how many stupid times a day I used the word "I". In fact, probably all I ever do is think about myself. And how lame is that when there's, like, 7 billion other people out there on the planet..." 

- Princess Diaries

A way to make a difference is by putting others first. Maybe next time when you're at an event with a bunch of people, instead of talking and hanging out with your buddies, go talk to the shy girl or boy who doesn't have many friends. maybe next you're outside and instead of playing basketball like you, your friend/sibling wants to play football, go ahead and play football. I dare you to! If you chose to take my dare, comment below on a few of the things that you did for others rather than yourselves this week.

- Emi